
Hosting a website and setting up The Pi


Notes from that conversation

How To Self-host a Website:

Remaining Questions

How do outside packets know how to route themselves to my Raspberry Pi, i.e. how does the IP tell them that they need to get to my router and then to the Pi from there? How does that work? I know that the DNS service translates mywebsiteaddress.com into whatever my Pi's IP is, but what happens after that?

Tuesday (Raspberry Pi Setup Issues)

Wednesday (Learning and Configuring Caddy)



A week passes....

Friday December 20

Wednesday, January 8th 2025

To summarize how web traffic gets to the Pi:

  1. the cloudflare DNS server takes the request and translates "tikkyontheinternets.com" into the IP of my pi
  2. the packet gets sent to that IP which gets it to my router (why isn't the IP enough to get it all the way there?? im confused again as to the mechanics of this, what port are other packets labelled with that get the router to send them straight to my computer when I request a web page??)
  3. the router notes the port number and because it's the right one it forwards it onwards to the pi
  4. the Caddy service running on the Pi sees the request and sends back the html/css file for the page


things I learned

remaining questions
